
The viewer above shows FlowPaper in flip book mode. Using FlowPaper with JavaScript is as easy as pointing to a PDF file like the code snippet below. We have also included a few set up guides to the right to help you get started quickly without any programming.

   { config : {
           PDFFile : 'pdf/Paper.pdf',
FlowPaper Example Flipbook
Can't see the document and running from a local directory? Upload the contents of the zip file to a web server.
Quick Start
» FlowPaper in HTML5 flipbook mode
» FlowPaper in HTML4 flipbook mode
» FlowPaper in Flash flipbook mode
» Viewer starting at page 3
» Interactive debugging API
» Set up publishing with PHP 5
» Read documentation
» Set up publishing with ASP.NET
» Read documentation
» War file for publishing with Java
» Choosing Publishing Format
» Converting Documents Manually
» Parameters